Who is Robert Jordan III?

That’s a question I’ve been exploring for the past 10 years of my life. Even when I think I’m close to finally answering the question, I’m upgraded to new situations my mind can’t comprehend at the moment. So, after all the explorations and discoveries of the life I’ve been granted, heres what I know so far:

  • My faith is in God.
  • Family is everything.
  • Creativity leaks into every aspect of my life.
  • There’s always a song playing in my head.
  • I live a “3Keys2Life” lifestyle; a balance of Mind, Body, and Spirit
  • Exploration of culture and art are my passions
  • I love my career field (branding & design)
  • Houstonian till I die
  • I love making list

Now that that’s understood, here are 3 breakdowns of my given name:


I did a little research on the name “Robert”, and seriously this was a top result:

“The most incredible guy in the universe, end of story…He isn’t concerned with himself at all, but instead he’s concerned with other people. He always knows the perfect thing to say and the right time to say it…Robert is so wonderful, it’s almost impossible to find the words to match

Stop, internet. You’re making my blush. But seriously, Robert derives from a compound of Hruod “fame or glory” and Berht “bright”. Put together “bright with glory.” I can contest to this being that I’m in the field of branding. Even though the above statement has no real value, I find some similarity in “He isn’t concerned with himself at all, but instead he’s concerned with other people.” 


Jordan comes from the Hebrew ירדן (Yarden), meaning “one who descends” or “to flow down.” Which makes perfect sense when one would think of the purpose of Jordan River. There are two sea in the mideast: The sea of Galilee, and the Dead Sea. The sea of Galilee takes in freshwater, uses it to support much-needed marine life, and then empties it into the Jordan River. The Jordan River in return spreads this freshwater to marine life throughout the desert, turning it into a fertile plain. On the other hand, the Dead Sea is exactly that – a dead sea. It’s water is so full of salt that there’s no life that can live within it. Why? It takes in water from the Jordan River and hangs on to it. It has no outlet! I’m learning to live up to the Jordan name.


The number 3 is the first of the four numbers of completion. Three (3) has great significance in history, spirituality, math & science, time, colors…almost everything! I’m proud to be a third, and everything that it represents.

I come from a very relatable line of Robert Jordans. Though my father (Robert Jordan II) past, I’ve learned to survive the wilderness of life. Am I perfect? Not even close. But I am on a mission to take part of birthing a legacy of kings and queens that will continue the fight for Love, Faith, and Hope…just like their forefathers did.

All this being said, I sign off the best way I can…as the person I was created to be:

 – RJ3